You’re writing your autobiography. What’s your opening sentence?

I guess my autobiography will not make history with its opening lines but it will definitely be honest and straight  from the heart.

It shall begin thus :

On a cold day in the month of December, six decades back, an overweight baby was born who had to be taken to the OT soon after because she had a hole inside her mouth which needed to be immediately patched up.

The surgeon was not too happy with the situation as he did not wish to apply his scalpel on that tiny, obscure being as she had just landed on this big, bad world and  lay secure  in her mother’s warm embrace..

But there was no other option except to operate which he did after whispering a prayer to God Almighty. He was an expert in his field. The surgery turned out to be a success. He was relieved.

When the baby was handed back again to her beautiful mother she smiled heaving a sigh of relief too. The baby’s father had an interest in astrology. His predictions usually came true. He had predicted  that his younger daughter, born after seven years of his first born, was fated to bring back the lost glory of the family with a historical lineage.

The baby girl had to grow up with this unwanted weight on her  no longer so strong  shoulders  that she had come to this world with a purpose till it became embedded in her psyche. As a child she would be electrified by the prophecy.

It was years later that she realised how resentful it was to burden a child with such heavy responsibility when she was supposed to enjoy her childhood. Nobody told her that they were there for her. Nobody told her to enjoy life as it  blossoms. Nobody told her not to worry about future.

Instead somewhere in the baby girl’s mind it was deliberately instilled that she was to achieve what her parents could not. She was to be brave in the face of adversity. She was divine blessing to an impoverished family who could not forget their ancestral heritage and erstwhile status. The load was thereby transferred and thus life unfolded  with a mystic cadence gliding slowly towards a destination unknown….”

I believe instead of the opening lines I have outlined the prologue of my autobiography.

Let me know whether it tickles your curiosity to read more…

If yes,  I shall really give serious consideration to the idea…the tome in the making

🙂 🙂

The little day dreamer was born in this hospital – the then PG Hospital in Kolkata.

Pics from Google

About gc1963

A working woman with interests in reading, writing, music, poetry and fine arts.

10 responses »

  1. Oh GC, that read was like a curtain opening remark and that the game of life is still at play. Apt and intense opening i would say.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very absorbing opening… definitely hooks the reader. As someone who just finished a year-long poetic memoir, I can share that the first poem is titled A Crow That Became A Line..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is an excellent start with a clear theme that would resonate with anyone loaded with parents’ expectations.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Joyful2bee says:

    GC, this is a great start. You said several things that stirred my curiosity! Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

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