I had left this page blank for a very long, long time not because there was nothing much to write home about but because there was so much to vent that I did not know where to begin or end. Well that rhymes a bit.

And that was the beginning.  A sort of playful rhyming of words which I mistakenly thought was poetry gave way to  writing short stories – maneuvering those fictional characters to my own tune was…is fun. What you can’t do yourself let them do it for you.

Well, writing can be catharctic, creative, quixotic and quite an awareness-enhancer as well and as I held my pen to paper slowly I became conscious of happenings around which converted me into a kind of self-appointed social commentator. Then came reviews – just for the heck of it at first!  But a few trials later,  someone brushing past those posts once said “Geeta, you are good at it,” which inflated me to no end.

It’s difficult to point out the exact date, time and so on  but books poured in and reviews accumulated.

And now I really don’t know which one I like writing the most – reviews, commentaries, blogs or short stories. I am a bit shy about my poems so, I won’t include them in the list. After a lot of ‘eenie, meenie mynah mohs’, I end up with my finger pressed on fiction – height of creative satisfaction. Reviews follow suit at a close distance.

All along my life, I have waited for that turning point which is generally referred as “….and after that there was no looking back.” I don’t know whether that bend will ever come in my life or whether it has already come and gone and I have bypassed it by my own folly. But I still write on…

…in this little obscure corner of this infinite cosmic creation with the sole hope that someday, sometime, what I think and feel and write will find echoes of endorsement / approval / appreciation somewhere, in some nook and corner of the far reaches of human habitation where my steps cannot venture but my fertile imagination can traverse in the name of so called adventure.

14 responses »

  1. Good, but why not write about CHRIST, HE got many audience. By the way do you know HIM yourself?


  2. And please I am using your shepherd boy picture in my blog. If I am not allowed please let me know I will remove the picture ASP. by the way, your style of writing is more poetic and beautifully prosaic.


  3. seb powen says:

    Nice blog…….unique style …….


  4. B Ravindran says:


    IT was BEAUTIFUL. I only hope that “THAT SOMEONE WHO BRUSHED PAST YOUR POSTS” is none other than yours truly. I can’t accept it could be someone else.

    What I liked the most :

    All along my life, I have waited for that turning point which is generally referred as “….and after that there was no looking back.” I don’t know whether that bend will ever come in my life or whether it has already come and gone and I have bypassed it by my own folly. But I still write on…

    …in this little obscure corner of this infinite cosmic creation with the sole hope that someday, sometime, what I think and feel and write will find echoes of endorsement / approval / appreciation somewhere, in some nook and corner of the far reaches of human habitation where my steps cannot venture but my fertile imagination can traverse in the name of so called adventure.

    That day is fast approaching and there are people who are desperately waiting.



  5. soumyav says:

    Your natural flow is your talent and is the advantage.Keep writing!
    The pen moves on as the thoughts flow,
    knoweth not what colour the ink will show,
    I drench myself in the words and lores,
    written on pages white like my life unknown!


  6. KP says:

    Just saw your comment and found my way to your blog.I haven’t yet read your short stories but share your interest in writing short fiction.You write well from this short introduction about you..I will follow your blog


  7. varun mishra says:

    Nice blog…….unique style …….


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    Liked by 1 person

  9. Sushmita Ghosh says:

    The words echo the fleeting thoughts that dart accros my mind as I rush through the day. But by the time I find a moment to catch them….. they are gone…. seemingly list forever.

    But I think that is what writers do. They catch thoughts and turn into words that echo everyone’s feelings.

    Great reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Dahlia says:

    Hello Geeta nice to connect with you – I am Dahlia from Delhi. I also prefer writing short stories to poems (which is simply beyond me!). I was interested to know that you like doing reviews as well. I am running (or rather trying to run) a Short Story Book Club on my blog once a month. Would you be interested in hosting one this month or some time later as and when it suits you? If you would like to know more please use the key words Story Club on my blog and check them out. I would insert the link here but often linked comments are delivered to spam so didnt want to risk it. If you are too busy, no problem – I completely understand. Look forward to exploring your blog – Have a good day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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